
Browse articles to be inspired and equipped as you seek the Lord to create life-changing discipleship experiences in your church

3 Traits in Healthy Leaders

Healthy ministries (and healthy organizations) are led by healthy leaders. For this reason, the Apostle Paul challenged pastor Timothy to “pay close attention to your life and your teaching; persev...

4 Steps for Healthy Biblical Application

For many years, any medication sold in the United States has been labeled with information about that specific medication. In addition to ingredients and warnings about possible side effects, the l...

The Bible’s 6 Main Genres (and Keys for Understanding Them)

The top left corner of the iTunes app on an iPhone offers a search link for music labeled “Genres.” From “Alternative” to “Worldwide,” a “genre” of music is a category or kind of music. Anything so...

Leaders, Stop Focusing on Culture and Start Focusing on Behaviors

Patrick Lencioni argues that a leader’s focus should be almost exclusively on organizational culture. That’s because, according to Lencioni, the single greatest advantage any organization can achie...

How to Pause and Evaluate Ministry for Future Impact

Leadership in ministry is both taxing and energizing, empty and fruitful. The natural rhythms can be challenging, so Rooted Network desires to provide leadership frameworks that make ministry more ...

6 Ways God Works In the World (and Through You)

God took the keys of creation and essentially said: Here, have fun! Make it into something wonderful! Fill it with people but also roads, cities, schools and governments. Fill it with art, agricult...

Fascination vs Force: Sharing Rooted Stories Well

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a pushy sales pitch? Someone is so excited about what they’re offering that they push harder and harder and harder—until you’re inching away, looking for ...