The Rooted Network Story
The Rooted Network Story
Mizizi – (n.) roots established deeply
Two churches, on two different continents… discovering a shared passion for helping people experience life change in Jesus.
In 2008, leaders of Mariners Church in California visited Mavuno Church in Nairobi, Kenya. They were learning about the growth of Christianity shifting away from the Western world and wanted to see an example of what God was doing on other continents. It was there they sat in a Mizizi session and observed a different way of engaging people in a lifelong journey of discipleship. Mizizi is Swahili for “roots” or “rooted”.
In that session, they saw real, honest conversations about life, God, and His Word. They discovered Mizizi participants weren’t just studying and talking about God… they were experiencing Him in their homes, workplaces, and communities. Hearts and lives were being changed, bringing transformation to the community.
Convinced that God was using Mizizi to disciple people in all stages of faith, Mariners Church began working with pastors from Mavuno to adapt this model of experiential, rhythmic discipleship for an American context, and Rooted was born.
Rooted Network
Rooted spread organically from Mariners to other churches in the community, across the country, and around the world. People were meeting Jesus. New small groups were being formed. Leaders were being raised up. And churches and communities were being transformed.
With a heart to bless the kingdom, Mariners Church launched Rooted Network in 2015.
Today, Rooted Network has partnered with thousands of churches, equipping them with a powerful, proven, and sustainable process through the Rooted experience to lead their congregations into the life of mission God has for them.
A Discipleship Ecosystem
Churches began asking for additional rhythmic, experiential learning resources for groups that completed the Rooted experience. In response, Rooted Network began offering, and is continually adding, resources to help churches bring consistent, life-shaping rhythms to their people through a discipleship ecosystem.
- Align and energize existing small groups
- Create a clear discipleship journey for new people
- Launch a proven, sustainable plan for starting new groups
- Help people engage in the rhythms of the early church to experience God’s Word, God’s Spirit, and God’s work