Last week, we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus, the greatest moment in history. While reflecting on that world-changing fact, I’ve been reminded that Easter is not just a moment in the past, it’s the life-changing power for our lives here and now. Paul put it this way:
I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:20).
The life, death, and resurrection of Christ changes everything.
Not just my religious beliefs or moral behavior.
Not just my eternal life.
My daily life.
My family life.
My work life.
My social life.
My private life.
I’ve recently joined a local church with more liturgical expressions of worship, including the observance of Lent and Eastertide—the 7 weeks between Jesus’ resurrection and the giving of the Spirit at Pentecost. These two seasons have me even deeper in my personal reflection and appreciation for the work of Christ and life in the Spirit. I was speaking with some college students that I’ve come to know as other new members of the church. All of us shared the same experience with our first season of fasting for Lent—we had a greater sense of anticipation for celebrating the resurrection. One young man said something simple yet profound:
“What I’ve experienced won’t end with Easter. It will continue every day for me now.”
This is my hope personally, for church leaders, and for Christians everywhere—that we would be intentional in remembering the sacrifice of Jesus and empowered to live in the joy of His resurrection 365 days a year.
How are you living the resurrected life every day?
How are you helping others walk in new life?
In his book, Living the Resurrection, Eugene Peterson wrote a prayer, that I’ll close with for your own reflection.
“Lord Jesus Christ, we come to you with a deep sense of gratitude, care, concern, devotion, love for you, and desire to live responsively to you. We sense that we’re with friends in your company of followers—friends who share the life of resurrection and want others to get in on it, notice it, and begin participating at the center of what you’re doing rather than on the periphery. We pray for strength and discernment to understand the culture we’re in…
We ask your blessing on your church—scattered and dispersed and so much of it in despair. We pray that wherever we go back into—whether pew or pulpit—we may be part of this resurrection life, knowing that you are present and doing your work…
Mostly, keep us faithful, attentive, adorational, sacrificial, and personal. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Jeremy Maxfield is Director of Content for Rooted Network. A graduate of the University of Georgia and Beeson Divinity School, he has served in church and publishing roles for nearly 20 years. Jeremy and his family live outside of Chattanooga, TN.