Fascination vs Force: Sharing Rooted Stories Well

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a pushy sales pitch? Someone is so excited about what they’re offering that they push harder and harder and harder—until you’re inching away, looking for your escape.

Now, contrast that with a time when someone shared a personal story that captivated you. Maybe it was a story of transformation, of hope, or an experience that left you saying, “tell me more.” That’s the power of fascination over force.

When it comes to inviting others into the 10-week Rooted experience, the goal isn’t to pressure or persuade—it’s to inspire. What’s the most effective way to do that? Capture and share compelling stories. 

Why Stories Matter

People may forget facts, but they rarely forget a good story. Jesus was a master storyteller and modeled this well. When you talk about how Rooted changed a person’s faith, deepened their relationships with God and others, or gave a new sense of purpose, you’re doing more than just explaining—you’re showing. And stories have a way of helping people to relate and see themselves in the story being shared. 

What Makes a Great Rooted Story

A compelling Rooted story doesn’t have to be dramatic—it just needs to be real. Where was the person before Rooted? What was the Rooted experience like for the person, what was their favorite week or topic? How is the person’s life different now, after the 10-week Rooted experience? Maybe it was the prayer or service experience that had the most impact. Whatever it is, simply share what it is like during Rooted, along with pictures. Was the person skeptical to register for Rooted? What makes them now glad they did? Some of my favorite lines from stories we’ve shared include: 

  • “I didn’t think I needed Rooted, but I was amazed by how much it changed my prayer life. If you don’t think Rooted is for you, you’re wrong. Rooted is for everyone.”
  • “I went into Rooted expecting just another small group—but I left with deep friendships and a new sense of belonging.”
  • “I was nervous about sharing my story, but Rooted showed me how powerful it is to be real with others.”

These statements create curiosity. They make people lean in rather than tune out. They allow fascination—not force—to do the inviting.

Best Practices For Sharing: 

  • Videos are great, and don’t need to be overproduced. A simple video captured on a phone can be shared from stage, as well as on social media. 

  • A picture while reading a statement from someone can also be powerful, if the person would rather not be filmed. 

  • An in-person interview with someone who has experienced life-change can be a powerful moment during a weekend service. 

  • Share a variety or stories leading up to each round of Rooted. One week, share about someone who made a first-time decision for Jesus. The next week, share the story of a mature believer who thought Rooted had nothing new to offer them in their faith journey who grew through the experience. 

In my experience, stories speak loudest every time I promote Rooted. One story might just be the invitation someone needs to say, “Tell me more.” 

To learn more best practices or to share your ideas for capturing and sharing Rooted stories, connect with your Rooted Network Coach or email coaching@experiencerooted.com.


By Chad Cronin, Rooted Network Coach


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